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At last you can confidently use a natural skincare range that is not only safe, but will thrill you with dramatically smoother and younger looking skin.
You know that you want the purest gifts that nature can offer. Manufactured in our own certified organic state of the art manufacturing facilities at Mt. Tamborine, in the beautiful Gold Coast hinterland.
Awaken your senses and complexion with the use of our finest quality natural ingredients.
Indulge your face and body with the vital nutrients of the unique Jasmin skincare range.
Reward yourself with the exquisite and uplifting fragrances and luxurious textures.
Your natural beauty deserves nothing less than the Jasmin’s 100% natural and certified organic skincare range which leaves you feeling beautiful, sensual and safe.
Hermes Agri-Company Ltd products are certified according to the standards of International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and are regularly controlled by Control Union Certifications. All products have undergone Ukrainian state legal tests and are approved by the Chemicals Security Department of Ministry for environmental protection of Ukraine. Trade marks are patented.
The natural complex of immune-stimulating, cryo-protective and radio-protective qualities is involved in our products. They have been tested at different agricultural cultures both under normal and stress conditions.
The researches proved the increase of productivity and agricultural products quality. The Company has mastered and patented the technology of production of a liquid organic fertilizer \"Humisol\" as well as other fertilizers.
Este cultivo con certificación CAAE, cumple todos los requisitos de la práctica ecológica que elimina el uso de cualquier tipo de químicos, pesticidas, herbicidas o fertilizantes, consiguiendo el desarrollo de las plantas sin ningún tipo de contaminación.
Dollium es un zumo totalmente natural, que se obtiene por un exclusivo proceso de extracción en frío, a una temperatura controlada de 18º C, y se envasa sin filtrar para mantener intactas todas las propiedades de la aceituna como en el momento de la cosecha.
Dollium tiene un gran cuerpo cierto sabor a manzana verde y un aroma con recuerdo a hierba verde recién cortada. Frutado y fresco es ideal para consumir en frio, acompañando ensaladas o cualquier otro alimento.